Dr Jose Lopes da Silva

Dr Jose Lopes da Silva

General Dentist

Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS) in 2006 (University Fernando Pessoa – Porto/Portugal)

GDC No. 164033

Jose is originally from Portugal, where he attended Fernando Pessoa University in the city of Porto from 1998 to 2004 to gain a DDS in dentistry. Jose decided to move to UK and started working in London in 2008.

With over 12 years’ experience in dentistry, has accumulated a wealth of dental knowledge and a passion for all areas of his field, he is a friendly, cheerful dentist and has a very gentle approach to dental treatment, his thorough explanation of treatments make patients very relaxed, always focused on providing exceptional standard ensuring all his patients receive the best possible care.

Jose places a high regard on professional development, but has a keen interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Surgery, and Dental Implants, having recently completed several post-graduate courses, over three years of study with the prominent Professor Paul Tipton in Tipton Dental Training Academy London, he has done one year in restorative dentistry leading to a post-graduate certificate in restorative dentistry, in 2013. One year in Practical restorative dentistry leading to a post-graduate certificate in Practical restorative dentistry in 2014, one year in Implantology dentistry leading to a Gold certificate in Implantology in 2015.

He also works with invisible braces giving patients the option to correct teeth with In-line orthodontic system.

He speaks fluent Portuguese his native language and also English, Spanish and Brazilian.

Jose has a lovely Wife, two children a boy and a girl, and in his free time enjoys playing football, riding motorbike, watching motorsports and having a good time with his family


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